Sunday, February 10, 2013

It warmed-up enough to snow!

Okay, I'm totally bogged down in work (yeah!), but I had to post this so you could see, yes, it does get warm enough in Minnesota to snow.

This is outside my office window.  Each night just before sunset, I'll get a House Sparrow "lodger."

I hope I'll have a nesting pair this spring.

More soon (-ish, sorta)...

Note to any climate deniers out there who accidentally wandered onto this blog: 

Minnesota used to get a lot of snow in the Winter, blanketing the plants in a protective layer, killing off tons of pests, and in general storing-up water that in the spring helps replenish our deep aquifer. Now it's either too warm, too cold, or too dry to snow. We have frequent and extended droughts, wells going dry, infestations of bugs and weeds that otherwise wouldn't survive if the climate wasn't changing, and a whole host of nasty. I "get" that you don't "get" that global warming can cause unusual cold, as well as unusual heat. I'm sure there are a great many things you don't "get."