Saturday, June 18, 2011

Awwwwwwwwe.... Toooo Cuuuuute.....

There are — FIVE — little bunnies in this tiny burrow. About a week after taking this shot they had all "grown-up" and moved out.

Need MORE cute?

Friday, May 20, 2011

WOW where did the time go?

Soooo much has happened in the past year...

I can tell from the flood of concerned mails that you all totally missed seeing my "Happy/Merry Chanukkwanzasolstimas" mail this year. ;-p "Yeah okay smartypants, so what's up Wendy?"

Well, after 15-years of being in one place I'm finally on the move again.

My phone number will stay the same, and is now living in a saucy new iPhone. My "shipping" address and "work" address though will be changing.

If you're sending boxes, drop me a note so I can tell you where I am at that moment. Now that I'm overcoming the inertia, a body in motion tends to stay in motion. Newton's First Law — If you recall from high school physics.

As I clean-out 15-years of accumulated projects, treasures and art in anticipation of the move, I've donated TONs to various local charities. This spring, if you can, I highly suggest doing the same. In these tight economic times, charities are hurting for donations, and people are more willing than ever to shop second hand to make ever tighter budgets go further. If you need something too, think second hand first!

I also suggest bringing back the good ol' tag sale (yard sale, garage sale). Maybe organize a weekend with your neighbors to generate more traffic! Get out and meet your neighbors too!

Here's one in action...


In anticipation of the "what the heck have you been up to all year" question — client work, plus clearing out 15-years of stuff has taken-up much of 4th quarter 2010, and 1st quarter 2011. The rest of my days, trying to move higher eduction in a more sustainable direction. Feel free to start calling me Doña Quijote.

Give me a call, it's been too long, and I'd love to hear your voice. OR, I just saw you yesterday and I miss you already.


BTW: want to see what hell is like?...

.... It's less hot and quite a bit damper than I imagined. But, no wind, so for a sailor, it IS hell.